The Full Text Search (FTS) is aimed at enabling users to search attachments within the Product Development Cloud using text based searches. The tool allows users to navigate through data in a context-aware fashion that maintains references to all related attachments. The idea behind the Full Text Search is to allow the user to navigate through their attachment data in an efficient manner.

How Does FTS Work?
How Does FTS Help Solve Customer Challenges?
Navigating through Attachments in the Product Development Cloud presents a unique challenge. Users may want to run text based searches from within attachments on the Cloud.
The Full Text Search presents a solution to this specific problem. The FTS sits within the PLM cloud and can easily be accessed through Oracle PD. Users can run the FTS to search attachments and access their data directly through the Cloud.
It further allows the users to download those attachments directly to their local drive or even export search results into a CSV format.

Product Highlights
Extensive attribute/attachment text searching
Personalized searches
Save and Export Search results
Performant, Scalable and Highly Available

Benefits of FTS

Synchronises cloud attachments and data
Single sign-on: Just login to the Cloud and start searching
Save and personalize your searches. Export and download your search results in your desired format.
Clicking on the item will redirect to the same item in the Cloud.